Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sewing: Jeans

I’ve made the little one some jeans. They are so gorgeous but too big. It will probably only take about 2 months for him to grow into them but I am impatient because I'm so happy with how good they look. I’ve cut out another pair of pants that I’ll size down a little so that he can wear them now.

Jeans - back, faux pocket flap with lion on it

I’ve just realised that I don’t have a photo of the finished front. Here is one in progress. I did faux pockets on the front, just stitched them on.

Front - in progressI'm loving making trousers for Ash, they are so quick and easy, especially when I just do an elastic waist to make it easy to get over the nappy butt.


Anonymous said...

OMG! I can't believe you made those! Your sewing skills obviously far exceed mine. :-) Great job!
pk @ Room Remix

kris said...

They are so cute!