Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Aluminium free

A couple of months ago I got inspired. I had seen a couple of recipes for homemade deoderant and with a few other bloggers giving it a go I took the plunge. I have now been using my homemade, aluminium free deoderant for 2 months and I am really happy with it. It was so easy to make and store that I think that I am a convert for life. It also works, no whiff of body odour on a normal day and just the normal amount of smell when I get home from the cycle commute from work.
The other thing that I think is a plus is that I'm not totally icked out by touching my underarms anymore. I used to hate to touch my underarms after appying commercial deoderant, I'd rush to wash my fingers straight after touching the deoderant. Now, becuase I apply the deoderant with my fingers I am checking for lumps and being more conscious of checking the rest of my chest for lumps as well. So it has had a good side effect of finally starting regular breast checks, which I have always chastised myself for not doing. Funny how such a little change can make a change to my attitude.
I've managed to convert my sister and got my Mum to try out the deoderant as well. I think that I am going to do up a large batch and everyone of my friends is going to get a sample pot for Christmas presents.
Here is the recipe that I used:
5-6 tablespoons coconut oil
1/4 cup arrowroot powder
1/4 cup baking soda
Several drops of lemongrass oil [optional]

I have tried out a few different essential oils. I originally settled on lemongrass oil because that is all I had in the cupboard, after looking it up in an aromatherapy book I discovered it was a really good choice. It is "soothing, healing, invigorating, antiseptic, anti-bacterial and deoderising" (Rich, Penny Practical aromatherapy Siena, Avonmouth, 1996)
I've added lavendar oil - not very successful, it gets too much and has kind of wrecked the fragrance for me, wearing it all day.
 I also tried ylang ylang and I like it, I only added enough to give a subtle fragrance.
I've made up a manly version with patchouli and the boy has been trying it out and says that he likes it.
A winner all around.
Blogs that inspired this are: Sewgreen, Soozs and How about orange

Monday, November 29, 2010

Noro socks

I finished my first pair of Noro socks the other week, a belated birthday present for my sister. I'm not so sure that I like Noro yarn, everyone raves about the colour ways, but I guess that I will see how it wears.
Kylie socks, side by side

Check that turnout!

Side detail, a successful gusset for toe-up socks

Toe-up socksm my own pattern

I have really gotten into toe-up socks and the next one I try will have to be the Monkey ones, all in knit to see how they turn out. I'm also trying out some cotton socks, I hope that they wear okay, I should make some for myself and test them out, but I don't have time with the Christmas knitting that I want to get done.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Quilting: numbers

I’ve recently been playing with quilting some squares up from recycled fabric, t-shirts, jeans, jumpers, flannel pyjamas. I did some play mats for Ash, he uses them for eating snacks on, which means I always have a quick way to clean up!

Here is one that I did some very rustic appliqué on. Numbering from 1 - 10


It has a couple of layers to it, a waterproof layer and flannel with an internal layer of flannel as well. This is larger than my last mats, about 1.2 m square. It has a couple of pockets included to hide treasures, no doubt I will forget to check them and I will wash an apple core!

A second top is completed but I have yet to cut the waterproofing, so it will be done soon.

I am on a dressmaking jaunt at the moment, I made a dress for Melbourne Cup day and now I am completing a jacket, as well as a few socks for Ash.